Planning on reading this during my holiday. Sounds like a super interesting book. Only heard good things about it, even from a friend who has lived through these times in Pamplona where his dad worked for the Civil Guardia.
Planning on reading this during my holiday. Sounds like a super interesting book. Only heard good things about it, even from a friend who has lived through these times in Pamplona where his dad worked for the Civil Guardia.
I have heard raves about this book from my friend and didn‘t realize there was an audio book of it. I find the subject matter so fascinating, especially after a trip to the San Sebastián area in 2000 and seeing an ETA rally. So my husband and I are listening to it together (a benefit of sheltering in place)! I love it starting with mothers on the sides of the conflict between the Spanish and Basque separatists.
#30JuneBooks - Current Read: I picked this book up at the bookstore yesterday. Sometimes the easiest book for me to read next is the closest book at hand. I don‘t know though...I‘m not sure that I‘m in the mood for the intensity of this book on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Clueing you in from cover blurbs: HOMELAND has reminded Spain of the dormant power of literature to shake up society...👇🏽