This one was a bit different from the usual MSW books in that the death takes place before the story begins. Mostly it was just ok. About what I expect from one of these. Nothing earth shattering, but a decent quick read.
This one was a bit different from the usual MSW books in that the death takes place before the story begins. Mostly it was just ok. About what I expect from one of these. Nothing earth shattering, but a decent quick read.
I've been paying $35/year for a neighbouring town's library card for years. Lately I've only used their Libby, which I still think is a good deal, but I've decided not to renew. It expires in a few weeks. I had slowly been working through all the Murder She Wrotes, and I'm 14 short of finishing the ones they have. I've decided to try to finish as many as I can before it expires because my town doesn't have them. Crazy? Probably. 😁