Still waiting for library holds so continuing on with this series…. Guess I have to read the 3rd while waiting
Book 11
Still waiting for library holds so continuing on with this series…. Guess I have to read the 3rd while waiting
Book 11
Foyer duty at the library. I put books out for curbside pick-up and make sure people are wearing mask when they come in for our Grab and Go hours. A perk of this duty is reading between patrons. Also getting my vitamin d as it is extremely sunny in the foyer.
Shades of Wicked was fantastic, so I'm starting the next book in the series immediately.
Peri and I just got back from a pretty humid walk. It's supposed to cool off quite a bit tonight though.
There was more to this story than a swoony paranormal romance and I loved it. There were vampire politics, treachery, and big reveals. I also have come to adore Ian! What‘s developed between Ian and Veritas was incredibly powerful and their journey was quite evocative. These characters are warriors in their own right and seeing them grow stronger together and unifying against those trying to tear them apart was beyond entertaining!
After a brief detour to re-read the first book, I devoured this one. Frost is definitely back on her game with Ian‘s books, such a fun wicked ride. I loved Ian and Veritas and all the trouble they managed to get themselves into and out of....and with that cliffhanger, there‘s only more yet to come, and I can‘t wait to get back on that roller coaster ride again.
This is one of my top 5 authors I love everything she has written
Feel like a kid at Christmas, staying up to see Santa 😂 downloaded at midnight and that's me sorted for the rest of the night. I can't help it, I've been looking forward to this one for ages!! 😂😂 Can't beat a wee bit of Ian 🥰