The package is on it‘s way! #poutinepenpals #canuckchristmasswap
The package is on it‘s way! #poutinepenpals #canuckchristmasswap
I did some procrastinatory favourite author searching (my signature move, tbh) and discovered the tagged book is only $0.99 right now! It‘s a pretty recent release and I loved it.
Did I read a book with a blue-haired character, then dye my own hair blue?
Yes. Yes, I did.
It‘s actually teal, so it slides between blue and green depending on the light. I‘m pleased (and also not a selfie person due to extreme unphotogenicality).
Y‘all, I teared up SO OFTEN as I tore through Annabeth Albert‘s latest, Alaska-set, romance. It‘s full of great stuff like wilderness, photography, and hot sex, but at its core it‘s about two guys who learn to accept that recovery is HARD and full of patches where you‘re just Not Okay. Griffin‘s an alcoholic. River has an eating disorder. Their relationship doesn‘t fix either of these issues, but it does put them both on a path ⬇️
I‘m all out of rice and so was Superstore* when I went to buy more, so I added extra greens to tonight‘s sorta-mapo tofu. The results are DELICIOUS. Much spicier without rice in the mix.
I‘m loving this book, too. I‘m just shy of 50% after my suppertime reading and I can‘t wait to see where this relationship goes next.
* I mean, they had RICE but it was all the expensive kind. I ain‘t such a foodie that I want to shell out for that.
I usually make the mistake of starting Annabeth Albert novels right before bed, but today I dove in after supper. I‘m learning!
...except my battery‘s pretty low thanks to yesterday‘s Robin Hobb binge read, so I‘m gonna have to pause and recharge soon. Damn. Still, I‘m enjoying ARCTIC SUN a lot as of the 15% mark.