I‘m just about to open my #BasicWitchSwap package from @Velvetfur ! I haven‘t been able to keep my hands off it!
I‘m just about to open my #BasicWitchSwap package from @Velvetfur ! I haven‘t been able to keep my hands off it!
🧙🏻 I never posted my #BasicWitchSwap package getting sent out, but I did send it and my partner @Velvetfur received it!
⏳ Only 6 more days until you can open it!
🧙🏻 Thank you for hosting @Meaw_catlady & @sprainedbrain !
I love the #basicwitchswap mood boards my fellow witchy friends are making!
Love: crows & ravens, bats, moon, witches, skulls & skeletons, potions & jars, pumpkins, spooky & scary, handmade, Dia De Los Muertos
This is just a little piece of my Pinterest board, Season of the Witch. If you want to see more I have the same username on there.