I couldn‘t give two hoots how these boring men spend chunks of their lives pursuing women in a dishonest immoral way. Get a life you pack of morons. Bailed for sure.
I couldn‘t give two hoots how these boring men spend chunks of their lives pursuing women in a dishonest immoral way. Get a life you pack of morons. Bailed for sure.
This game looks like fun, and I can‘t wait till it gets here to play.
Very entertaining book on the secret society of men and women who are making themselves better to attract the opposite sex. You'll read the first hand experience of someone who experienced it all.
This book can be seen as an awful way of manipulating women to get them into bed. As someone who does not underestimate the intelligence of people - women or men, I don't see it that way. This book can help you to become a clnfident person.
Here are some samples of my books in French and Swedish first language, Gaelic/English, and translations from Welsh, Irish, Old English, Italian, German & Swedish. I have translations in others and dictionaries in even more (including Ancient Greek & Latin) somewhere in all these boxes. The book I linked to was sent to me by my best friend in Sweden when I asked for something to help me learn. It is, I'm told, erotica 😂#NotInEnglish