3✨ Another water based creepy short story. #HauntedShelves #TeamFlurken @PuddleJumper
3✨ Another water based creepy short story. #HauntedShelves #TeamFlurken @PuddleJumper
There are valid issues with Lovecraft's personal views which I will not reiterate because they are well documented. Speaking purely about the short story (and it is short), I have to say the imagery is classically horrific. The atmosphere of the tale is the main point, in my opinion. The short action of the story is interesting too, as is the ending (won't spoil the specifics, but classic mystery).
Just finished The fourth story Dagon in the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft. It was an interesting story with the recurrent theme of the protagonist going insane. Wondering if what they just experienced was real or just a figment of their imagination. 🤔
A man turns to morphine to deal with something he saw. He decides to kill himself, but first explains the experience responsible for making him insane. The world beneath arose, and worshipped stones call to sea-creatures roaming land.