This is a powerful, powerful novel. The characters are unforgettable, their struggle, their humanity, their courage will stay with you long after you've left them. This is a book that will not leave you unchanged.
This is a powerful, powerful novel. The characters are unforgettable, their struggle, their humanity, their courage will stay with you long after you've left them. This is a book that will not leave you unchanged.
"I asked my mother once what the difference was between a house and a home and she said you can move in and out of a house, but once you have a home you never leave it."
#recommendsday I'm not quite finished with this one, but even so, I highly recommend it. It's eye opening, heartbreaking, hopeful, and courageous. Written through the pov of multiple narrators in beautiful prose, this story has me thinking about what we know and what we don't about human struggle.