Tanti assaggi di grandi piccole storie straordinarie, ognuna con i suoi sapori, odori, emozioni e sensazioni. Storie spontanee d'amore e di dolore, senza filtri. Mi ha preso la mano e mi ha mostrato la diversità di ciò che è stato, è, e sarà.
Tanti assaggi di grandi piccole storie straordinarie, ognuna con i suoi sapori, odori, emozioni e sensazioni. Storie spontanee d'amore e di dolore, senza filtri. Mi ha preso la mano e mi ha mostrato la diversità di ciò che è stato, è, e sarà.
Because this novel is made up of short stories that share characters, some of the stories are better than others. I enjoyed most of the stories, but a couple drifted into "is this necessary" territory (content warnings for pedophilia and a woman falling in love with her rapist). Despite those couple of stories, Allende's writing throughout the whole book is absolutely gorgeous and I‘ll definitely read more of her books in the future.
Book #52 of the year: “The Stories of Eva Luna” by Isabel Allende
Allende has been one of my favorite authors for over a decade. I love all of her works, I‘ve met her, I‘ve seen her speak. This book is a series of short stories, mostly dark, and all engaging and captivating. Absolutely loved it.
I have been in a bit of a book slump, but short stories seem to be exempt, so I‘ve been dipping in and out of this one with my little reading helper - Alice (Cooper Carroll). This is my first time reading Isabel Allende - and I‘m enjoying it so much! The stories are quite clever with a touch of magical realism that intrigued me.
When I‘m ready to read her novels, where should I start?
Our double week #litereads pick, Two Words by Isabel Allende, has come to an end. This final pick for #womenintranslationmonth featured a woman selling words for a living and a politician desperate for some of those words for the purpose of winning speeches but is more impacted by the private words only the two shared. I definitely enjoyed reading deeper into this story, and you can read my full review in the link below.
Our new #litereads pick is Two Words by Isabel Allende, chosen with #womenintranslationmonth in mind. You can find a link to read this classic magical realism / political short story from the Chilean author in our full post linked below. Be sure to drop us a comment to let us know what you think of this one.
Impatiently waiting for my older son to return from his Scout Jamboree... Flipping pages, checking flight tracker and the screening
... maintains a certain equilibrium in the universe
... creates some things twisted, He creates others straight ;
for every virtue there is a sin,
for every joy an affliction,
for every evil a good, and on and on,
for as the wheel of life turns through the centuries,
everything evens out.
The pendulum swings back and forth with inexorable precision...
Eight books by a favorite author.
From my TBR shelf, Allende is one of my favorite #southamericanwriters #hispanicauthors. #fallintobooks #autumnreads @RealLifeReading @Tiffy_Reads
My favourite short story is inside this collection, it's called Two Words (Dos Palabras) and the main character is Belisa Crepusculario, my alter ego. #booktober #bestcharactername