What Makes a Shadow? is a great NF book all about what shadows can be made written by Clyde Robert Bulla and illustrated by June Otani This book would be a great RA or SR. I used this book in my classroom within my shadow unit where we taught the kids all about them. They always were so excited to go outside and see their shadow.
AlyssaB An UDL strategy would be 1.3 which offers alternatives for visual information. An ESOL strategy would be 36 which is asking numerous questions which require higher level thinking responds. A great resource would be http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/casting-shadows-a... which gives different sessions on what you could involve when teaching shadows. #UCFLAE3414F19 5y
DrSpalding Nice use of the recommended resource. This would be an excellent read aloud prior to a science lesson. 5y
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