Love the Willoughby Close series, and the romance and life changing stories in them.
#Valentine #ItHadToBeYou
Love the Willoughby Close series, and the romance and life changing stories in them.
#Valentine #ItHadToBeYou
Finished the last book of the Willoughby Close Series, having finished all 5 books in a little over a week. What a fabulous series of books. Loved learning about all the residents and their relationships and changing lives. A sad element to this last book but fitting to the series. Will now feel bereaved as I leave all the residents, but need to search out the Return to Willoughby Close Series.
All 5 available free on Audible if a member.
I started reading the first book in this series just over a week ago because it had Christmas in the title, for #WinterGames2021, but have fallen in love with this series and now starting the fifth and final book. Will be sorry to finish the series.
All five books in the series are freely available on Audible if you are a member.
Loved all the books and this was a great end to the series. I‘ll be reading more from this author.