Spent a fun night with mom at the theatre last night!
Spent a fun night with mom at the theatre last night!
1. The woman at number 24
2. To read 70 books and make a dent in my current TBR list
3. Tagged
I tried reading this back l in the summer and couldn‘t get into it so I tried again and glad I persevered!
Hope has a famous mum but wants to make it theatre without her mums help. Hope applies for an internship on a major production and tells no one. Poor hope deals with a stroppy Hollywood star, has a love interest in the understudy, learning the ropes of the theatre and trying to keep everything a secret.
Fresh, funny and a great YA romance.
My first book completed in 2022 and it fits in perfectly with the challenge. Story is based in a grand regal theatre.
1. I‘m trying to finish my TBR list which consists of around 69 books/E-books and I‘d like to try out a few new genres too.
2. Hopeful would be my word
3. Tagged
1. Tagged
2. Tagged. I started it yesterday.
3. The new Paperback version of Pages & Co by Anna James
Loved Unconventional. Starting Theatrical today.
Both are UK YA romance (ish) books about girl geeks that I had to order from BookDepository because they aren't sold in the US. Harcourt is so fun to read and I was grinning ear to ear on p19 when something from Unconventional showed up in this one. 😊
Do you read YA romance? I‘m currently reading this one and enjoying it! I‘ve noticed that it‘s best read in long sittings; for some reason I‘m not really feeling that urge to keep going after I take a break. Not a good sign I‘m guessing!