I really loved this one! So much I have already downloaded the next one and plan on finishing it this weekend! Ha! Anyway, I really recommend this one :)
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl
I really loved this one! So much I have already downloaded the next one and plan on finishing it this weekend! Ha! Anyway, I really recommend this one :)
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl
Ha. Super got called out on this legging discussion!!!
Anyway, I am loving this book so far.
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl
Found this one on Libby, I couldn't NOT pick it up :)
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl
BoooookCOOOOOONNNNN! My first con of any sort, I've clearly made the right choice.
Adult, yes, but FANTASTIC. Sweet, weird, funny...just read it.