Really good. Moving too as Sher faces personal loses and encroaching old age as he prepares to play King Lear
Really good. Moving too as Sher faces personal loses and encroaching old age as he prepares to play King Lear
Fresh bedtime reading. It turns out I find reading about the process of acting fascinating. Or at least I do when it‘s Antony Sher writing (and drawing) about it!
Now King Lear comes to mind. If I had to sum up the chief sensation I get from the play it‘s of the fragility of human life, the smell of mortality. Well, here I am, back at home in South Africa, right up against it, the reality of that fragility, that mortality. And, surprisingly, it‘s not only frightening and awful. It also has, like this image of Verne sitting in the window above me–and like the play–a strange beauty.