Right in the feels! Admirably spare in text and imagery. It takes so little to conjure up the shared human experience, holding two truths in mind: We don't know how long we've got; we can treasure the moments spent together now.
Right in the feels! Admirably spare in text and imagery. It takes so little to conjure up the shared human experience, holding two truths in mind: We don't know how long we've got; we can treasure the moments spent together now.
Book that #BeginsWith #Forever Day 6: This is a book that disarmed me. It has a simplicity to it that begs to be re-discovered, allowing one to find something anew in each re-read. There is warmth, comfort, and beauty to be found in transitory moments – yet such moments feel like “forever or a day.” My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-iYi
#NoFemmeber Day 11: This book tries to hold time in its hands – renders it almost tangible by indicating when it is most keenly felt, or ignored, or becomes a drumbeat – feeling a bit like #forever, if it is, at all, an emotion. Since I read the back blurb, I had an idea where the narrative was taking me, and it does so in a lilting, gentle way, with a childlike innocence in its musings. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-iYi