A train adventure after 10 days in isolation. Let's hope the book lasts the train ride in (epubs on my phone overwise ;))
A train adventure after 10 days in isolation. Let's hope the book lasts the train ride in (epubs on my phone overwise ;))
Love this dark vision of our future solar system. This book was very clearly left hanging for the sequel that will finish off the Revenger trilogy, with a mystery I can't wait to see resolved.
#sciencefiction #scifi
I've been staring at my book sitting in the corner of my desk all morning. It's finally time for #BookAndLunch.
#sciencefiction #scifi
I enjoyed Shadow Captain for the atmosphere and tension. Such fraught relationships! So many secrets! But it does feel like a ‘middle‘ book (it is): arguably there‘s a lot of set up for relatively little really happening. But that bauble twinklehead attack may give me nightmares for weeks, and that ending has me on tenterhooks for book three!!
I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review (on the blog tomorrow!)
I wasn‘t expecting the change in narrator, and I‘m loving how big a difference it makes to tone: Adrana‘s voice is almost Victorian, so formal and given to meandering through detail; and the contrast with the spacefarers‘ cant is acute. The evocation of a tiny crew in a horror ship slowly crossing deep empty space is brilliant; it‘s a different tension to Revenger, and there‘s more of a steampunky feel creeping in. Strange things happen in space.