#Haunted Day 26: #HarvestMoon reminded me of this picturebook I reviewed back in 2011 which includes a photo of me and my daughter back when she was a wee bit thing. My review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-2mH
#Haunted Day 26: #HarvestMoon reminded me of this picturebook I reviewed back in 2011 which includes a photo of me and my daughter back when she was a wee bit thing. My review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-2mH
#OctoberXFiles Day 25: The author‘s sources as found in the 2nd page of the book are quite varied ranging from moon astronomy and #superstition to lunar festivals, lunar eclipse and moon illusions to coral spawning and bird migration among others. I love thoroughly-well-researched materials. The book is a testament to how people all around the world are moved differently by the changing of the moon and the tides. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-2mH