CPAP acquired. At a mall to spend some time working in a corner of the food court. Will be leaving these two books in the food court for #bookfairies
robinb ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
tournevis @robinb 😘😘😘 6y
CordeliaGrey11 Iv never heard of this! So cool! 6y
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tournevis @Amabear It's what I've decided to do now that I've had confirmation I won't be able to have a Little Free Library anywhere in Ottawa. Too much resistance all around. But strategically "forgetting" books, that I can do. Look them up! 6y
CordeliaGrey11 @tournevis how frustrating! People just aren‘t for it? Im hoping to start one soon. I definitely will! Im so intrigued! 6y
tournevis @Amabear There are exactly three active ones in Ottawa, two near the same museum. The other in a very poor neighbourhood. All others have been closed or removed by tue city after neighbour complaints. My husband's former church would have been an ideal spot, but they said no. 6y
CordeliaGrey11 @tournevis Ug! People are crazy. I wonder what makes people complain? 6y
tournevis @Amabear "People are going to walk by my house to go there!" I kid you not. See this example 6y
CordeliaGrey11 @tournevis wow. Crazy! 6y
tournevis @Amabear *nods* 6y
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