Nerd Friends, I have now added the nerdiest feature yet to my book tracking spreadsheet 😂
Now I‘m tracking which publishers and imprints I read the most. No real surprises - mostly Big Five - but now I can kind of see if I have any favorites. (I already know I love Riverhead‘s covers! 😍)
Do you track your reading? If so, what‘s the nerdiest thing you track?
JamieArc That‘s a great idea! 4y
squirrelbrain I have a list of books I‘ve bought / been gifted, giving an average spend, and also how much I‘ve saved by borrowing from the library....#spreadsheetgeek (and proud!) 😘 4y
Sace I don't really track my books/reading very carefully. Mainly titles, provenance/format (owned, library/dead tree, electronic, audio) and date finished. 4y
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eraderneely @JamieArc thanks! 4y
eraderneely @squirrelbrain I love that you‘re a spreadsheet geek! I don‘t want to know how much I spend on books though 😬 4y
eraderneely @Sace I started with tracking those things too. Have you found your ratio of owned to library has changed this year? 4y
Sace @eraderneely um.. I... Er... I'm very inconsistent about writing things down and I don't really analyze the data. It doesn't add to my enjoyment of the books so I don't do it. Maybe on LibraryThing I might do some tag filtering, but that's about it. 4y
eraderneely @Sace you have to live your best reading life. I just happen to love data! And I‘ve noticed with lockdown that I‘ve borrowed a lot of ebooks and audiobooks this year. Was wondering if anyone else was having the same experience. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Up until I got lazy last year, I was entering my books read into Goodreads. I marked if I physically owned it or was an ebook, ARC, etc, but more for future me to know whether I have it or not. It's where my most up to date litsy of books owned resides, but since 2014 I've kept a note on my phone for each year, just with title, author, and if it was my 3rd or 81st book read. 4y
eraderneely @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love hearing what different people choose to track! Before Goodreads I kept accidentally rereading a book I hated 😂 4y
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