The book has three parts. The first part has 11 short stories, all related to the theme of love. The second and third part consist of two novellas. The intricate detailing makes the stories trustworthy.
The book has three parts. The first part has 11 short stories, all related to the theme of love. The second and third part consist of two novellas. The intricate detailing makes the stories trustworthy.
I felt they were all waiting only for the moment when Claudia, infuriated, would get up and leave me there alone, making me once more the anonymous man I had always been, the man nobody notices any more than one would notice a spot of damp on the wall. (Page 140)
Hi there! though a newbie, whatever I have seen so far is enough to fall for the litsyian community. My Litsy journey begins with 'Difficult Loves' by Italo Calvino. Looking forward to have some really cool bookish talks. #firstpost #spreadlove