3⭐️ This is the third rendition of this story that I have read in the last three months, and all are new books. And while this one has lovely illustrations, and a lovely story, it was done better by a predecessor.
3⭐️ This is the third rendition of this story that I have read in the last three months, and all are new books. And while this one has lovely illustrations, and a lovely story, it was done better by a predecessor.
After an exciting life in the ocean, Inky the octopus has retired to an aquarium where he plays cards, makes faces at the visitors and tells his tank mate Blotchy tales of his past adventures. One day, Blotchy dares Inky to make his greatest escape ever... out of their tank! Will Inky succeed? Find out when Casey Lyall reads at #emwf18. bit.ly/2tGa06B #canlit #kidlit #picturebook