I finished my first book for the book a week challenge. The Green Mile 5 is an amazing book. I can hardly wait to get started on the final book 6. This is a wonderful unfolding story. Very suspenseful and emotional story.
I finished my first book for the book a week challenge. The Green Mile 5 is an amazing book. I can hardly wait to get started on the final book 6. This is a wonderful unfolding story. Very suspenseful and emotional story.
Stephen King isn‘t my favorite author. The only book I read by him was Carrie (which I read only because I love the movie). Any who these booklets belonged to my Mom (part 2-5) as you can see by the wear and tear lol. Part 1 I ordered for Amazon because Mom couldn‘t find it. Overall I‘m loving this story and I only chose to to read it because, I watched the movie. Now to wait unto Pay Day so I can purchase part 6 through Amazon as well. 😃