I love the format of this book. Would use it for older students 3rd-4th grade.
I love the format of this book. Would use it for older students 3rd-4th grade.
Description: This story is about a young boy who goes to visit his grandpa. They do not speak the same language, but this does not keep them from connecting. When the boy first gets to his grandpa's it is a bit frustrating that they can't communicate through speaking. They begin to draw together and they realize they both share a love for art and story telling. This creates a bond between the two that does not need words.
This book of few words by Mihn Lee is an incredible story of a Grandpa and Grandson who speak different languages and have trouble connecting because of it. However, they find a common ground through art.
This is a spectacular book about family, differences in culture, and ways to communicate with people through things other than words.
Published: 2018
This is a story about a young boy who goes to visit his grandfather and decides that at first glance, they have nothing in common. They don't like the same food or television shows and they don't even speak the same language. However, when the boy had given up on talking to his grandfather, he discovers another way they can bond without using words at all.
This book would be a great read to children to explain how language barriers don't need to stop from making friendships.
This book is about a young boy and his grandfather who are unable to communicate due to speaking different languages. Throughout the book, they discover how to communicate without words-through art. It is super cute and represents culture differences and language barriers. It won the Asian/Pacific Islander American Award.
“Now, after years of searching for the right words, we find ourselves happily speechless“ a beautiful way to wrap up a wonderful story.
I really enjoyed the relationship built between the grandfather and the granddaughter, it is inspiring. I think this would be a great book to read when possibly introducing drawings with a story they have written. I think it would let them know that telling a story with your pictures is just as important as with your words.
Drawn Together, Minh Lae, 2018. This book is mostly pictures with few words. It takes us through a story of a child and their grandfather trying to find something to bond over. The grandfather introduces drawing together and creating a new place together and creates memories that last.
When the drawings from the sketchbook came to life in the book, the illustrations were so realistic and amazing
This book was set up mostly in strips of pictures almost like a comic book and it was really cool to read and look through all of the illustrations. Some of the page‘s illustrations were like drawings that had come to life, it‘s a really great book with cool illustrations.
“Now, after years of searching for the right words, we find ourselves happily… SPEECHLESS.”
I love how their styles of art are still different and they‘re using different mediums, but they‘re still creating illustrations together and it works for them.
This book is set up in a comic strip style and most pages have no text. Although there are not many pages with words, the illustrations tell a beautiful story. A young boy spends the day with his grandfather who speaks a different language and has different cultural ideals. The boy and his grandfather over the language barrier through art, which they can both enjoy doing together.
Drawn Together by Minh Lê, published in 2018, is a beautiful story about how sometimes you can connect with someone without words. The author uses different styles for the drawings to show the different “speakers”. As the book progresses, thin, detailed lines form images on the pages that are more traditional. These are in contrast to the softer, and more colorful images of the grandsons perspective.
I love how you can see the difference between the Grandpa‘s and grandson‘s illustrations. The grandfathers being more detailed with small designs and minimal color, while the grandson uses lots of color and shapes. I also enjoyed the way the illustrations are set up almost like a graphic novel.
Love it. Especially as a second generation to the US. While my parents speak decent English, there's still a language barrier between them and my nieces.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟5 🌟
This book deserves every award it has earned. There are few words, because words are not always needed. Grandpa and grandson do not speak the same language, but with drawing and art they learn that communication is not always about words, but actions. Love knows no bounds, and in the end will draw everyone together.
I loved how the illustrations were sectioned off and in a comic strip type of design.
This book had very simple text and I think the rhythm reinforced the meaning. This book was a story of a young boy connecting with his grandpa through drawings rather than language. The tone of the poem is adventurous and exciting.
I liked how only a few words were on every other page yet they were very important.
Drawn Together is a poetry story written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Caldecott Medalist Dan Santat. This story was about a young boy and his grandfather who is very traditional while the boy is not. Although there were not many words, this story did a good job of showing the relationship with just a few carefully put together words.
This is a cute book for children to read on their own or to each other. They can appreciate the beautiful pages.
Drawn together by Minh Le was published in 2018. This story is about a grandfather and his grandson spoke completely different languages. They had a hard time communicating and getting on the same page. Just when they were about to give up on each other they started to draw and they became connected through their own drawings. This poem does not have rhymes and is a free verse poem.
Poetry. This is a wonderful story for a classroom because it shows the kids that you can communicate in so many different ways. You don‘t just have to talk or write, you can draw. And any form of communication will bring people together.
Drawn Together by Minh Le and illustrated by Dan Santat, 2018. This is a wonderful story about overcoming the language barrier in such a wonderful way. The poem doesn‘t immediately start but once it does it flows quickly and beautifully through. There‘s no repetition or rhyme but there‘s heart and love and a beautiful story.
Really relevant to children feeling not connected to their grandparents. Also important for realizing there is always a way through a communication barrier
I love how the pictures get even more detailed as the story goes on bc they get in more depth with their communication by picture
Publication Date: 2018
Book for: older children
Character dev: 100%
Proper Illustrations: awesome illustrations
Storyline: a bit and his grandpa do not speak the same language. They learn to communicate through their love of drawing
I loved this book the message of it is so touching and i think students will love it
This is a great book to read to children when showing them that different people can communicate in different ways.
A greater bilingual book and a book for older children who understand that people communicate in different ways, but just because they can‘t understand another doesn‘t mean they don‘t have interests.
I would read this is an older elementary class so they can grasp the idea that not everyone can communicate with language but sometimes a common interest can open up a whole new world of communication.
A book that displays two different languages between a grandson and a grandfather. Not feeling connected, the two were drawn together when they communicated in art. Art allowed the two to be speechless but share so many common interests. Genre: Poetry; Published: 2018; Illustrator: Minh Le
They “see each other for the first time” after drawing super hero versions of themselves.
Caldecott medalist
This is a great easy read for young children. Very little words but great illustrations. This book is about a young boy and his gpa don‘t speak the same language until they speak through pictures.
Poetry Caldecott Published in 2018
This story is about a grandson who cannot communicate with his grandfather because they don‘t speak the same language. But once they find a common interest of drawing and art, they can finally communicate through the art world.