Oh my god so good! I could not put it down and now I want to go back to the comic shop and buy them all! It bounced back and forth between the different storylines but somehow did not get confusing or loose the suspense and momentum
I don't often read graphic novels but this came recommended, so I'm giving it a try.
I really liked the characters, different story arcs, and enjoyed the art and the premise but this felt kind of directionless and I doubt I'll pick up the second one.
Really interesting sort of post apocalyptic society with real characters (plus a trans woman! Yay for representation!)
First one down for @Samplergal #sixby6
This was my vacation reading and it really was great book to have at the beach
Sweet cousin is going on a three week trip to India, and asked for some reading material. Did I overdo it? She chose Naked and I am a Pencil. (I secretly added Nimona to the pile, too. 😉)
Just started this. Almost forgot I had it!