Francis Fukuyama explores Identity Politics, it's history and it's effect on democracy and themes such as the rise of nationalism in modern times amongst others. Mainly US/Euro centric. A fairly easy to follow read into a very relevant subject.
Francis Fukuyama explores Identity Politics, it's history and it's effect on democracy and themes such as the rise of nationalism in modern times amongst others. Mainly US/Euro centric. A fairly easy to follow read into a very relevant subject.
Dignity was being democratized. But identity politics in liberal democracies began to reconverge with the collective and illiberal forms of identity such as nation and religion, since individuals frequently wanted not recognition of their individuality, but recognition of their sameness to other people.
Fukuyama makes a lot of connections, economic and political, across history. He‘s in favor of national identity and assimilation in moral terms—your religion doesn‘t allow you to enslave women, for instance; you must adopt American values—and he goes to the root of identity politics. Very thought provoking 🤔 #socialcommentary #economics #politics #immigration
Philosophical, but very accessible and easy reading so far (on p. 30). #Politics #Socialcommentary #philosophy
I may no longer be a history & political science student but you can‘t take the history & political science out of this girl 😉 Intrigued to see what he says about the current state of affairs #toread #nonfiction
This was a good overview of the history of identity politics with suggestions for how to move in a positive direction from here.
Received an ARC of #Identity from #Netgalley. So far it‘s a great dose of political philosophy that I‘ve been missing. I can‘t wait to keep reading this timely analysis.