Have you ever listened to that song on the radio, that song that you love, that song that you know by heart, that song that you just sing at the top of your lungs? And then someone tells you, you are singing the wrong words?! This book will make you feel so much better because you are not alone. I have been there too! It is okay, we will relearn these songs together. I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a good laugh!
Lcsmcat “Hold me Closer, Tony Danza” 5y
AsYouWish @Lcsmcat Lol!! I think that is the title to the second book and it is on my TBR list. My dad had this one so I borrowed it for a laugh. 5y
Lcsmcat @AsYouWish Yes, it‘s the one my husband owns. 5y
dariazeoli I remember reading this book in the aisles at Borders in high school, laughing hysterically. 5y