More recent dollar tree finds.
No one writes like Christian Kracht anymore. It‘s like he was plopped here from the previous century. His writing owes much to German masters Mann and Hesse, but there‘s something fresh to it as well. He blends historic events and people with fantastic fiction. Here a Swiss filmmaker travels to Japan in the 1930s. All I can say is that the writing is brutal and stunning!
Guys, Kracht's "Die Toten" was just published in translation as "The Dead". This author means so much to me, I hope many people will read this as well as his other translated works!! #SwissLit #ChristianKracht #favorites
I just found out this was being released and I can‘t wait to read it! Imperium is one of my favorite books ever and Christian Kracht will forever be my must-read author as a result! This book drops July 17th‼️