The book is informative about the perpetual perils of capitalism on Puerto Rico. Also, the powerful narrative about grassroot movements coming together in the face of adversities, is something we all need right now.
The book is informative about the perpetual perils of capitalism on Puerto Rico. Also, the powerful narrative about grassroot movements coming together in the face of adversities, is something we all need right now.
More people should read this!
💚🌱💙🌿💛🌱🧡 I learned a lot from this short, powerful book about Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. A MUST READ ⭐️⚡️⭐️⚡️⭐️⚡️⭐️
“The belittling message at the core of the colonial experiment has been reinforced in countless ways by the official responses (and nonresponses) to Hurricane Maria. Time after humiliating time, Puerto Ricans have been sent that familiar message about their relative witty and ultimate disposability.”
“At the core of this battle is a very simple question: Who is Puerto Rico for? Is it for Puerto Rican‘s 🇵🇷, or is it for outsiders? And after a collective trauma like Hurricane Maria, who has the right to decide?”
Reading and watching the American Rescue Dog Show 🐶😍✨ have a good night, littens!
Finished on plane yesterday but felt too sick to do a proper review, so here it is late!
Wonderful book, my only criticism was that it was too short and I would have loved to hear her talk about the topic for twice as long. It was a great companion to the Shock Doctrine, but more of a long case study than a whole separate book. I really recommend to anyone who liked the shock doctrine
Bought @NaomiAKlein‘s THE BATTLE FOR PARADISE / LA BATALLA POR EL PARAÍSO while listening to her speak @RutgersU #AftershocksRU today; 50% off from @haymarketbooks during #LatinxHeritageMonth https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1235-the-battle-for-paradise
Watch the conference livestream here: https://livestream.com/rutgersitv/aftershocks
In this tiny book, Klein takes a brief look at the efforts of corporations and billionaires to capitalize on the after effects of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. She juxtaposes this with small local efforts that effectively combatted the storm‘s effects, suggesting that a different focus by the country would be optimal for its people. More needs to be written and spoken about the topic, but this is a good place to start.
I had to put this book down last night to sleep, or else I might have finished it in one sitting! I started it at 11:00 pm though, which was poor planning. Now I have a bit of free time at work, since teacher work days are slow, and I can squeeze in some more reading!
Recent news has come up in the book - official death toll of 64 vs. estimate of 4645. #haymarketbooks #puertorico
This is the moment I realized I apparently know nothing about cryptocurrencies. 😅 If you, like me, need to get educated on how digital currency is killing the environment, this article is very accessible and breaks it down well: https://www.wired.com/story/bitcoin-mining-guzzles-energyand-its-carbon-footprin....
#haymarketbooks #puertorico
Y‘all, I am learning so much from this book already, and reading about Casa Pueblo in Adjuntas and other idealistic, radical approaches to disaster recovery and lasting positive change is giving me goosebumps. These people fighting for renewable resources and democratic resource management in Puerto Rico are everything. #haymarketbooks #puertorico
Buy this book: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1235-the-battle-for-paradise
Y‘all, BUY THIS BOOK. Ebook $6, paperback $10, available in both English and Spanish, https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1235-the-battle-for-paradise. “Bestselling author and activist Naomi Klein uncovers how the forces of shock politics and disaster capitalism seek to undermine the nation's radical, resilient vision for a ‘just recovery.‘” #haymarketbooks #puertorico