Mich dir anschließen? Nach allem was du getan hast?! Lieber sterbe ich!
#authorwhosharesyourname I found out the other week that a well-known author who shares my name, Erin, isn't a real person but instead a collective pseudonym! This shouldn't surprise me too much: children's lit has a long history of this (Carolyn Keene, anyone?) but I was still surprised I hadn't heard anything about it.
This morning's read. Just finished today. Awesome book, can't wait to get next one. I love it. But Graystripe left Fireheart! Graystripe, how could you?! Noooooooooo!
#internationalcatday This is my boy Gatsby and my lady Ella isn't feeling photogenic at this time. I love these books❤️They are so much fun❤️And also, my cats are amazing 😊