This collection included a few stories I‘ve read elsewhere, but that‘s ok. Every short story Carver ever wrote is worth reading at least twice. His minimalistic style and working class subjects (of a previous generation) combined with first person narratives, pull you into one compelling, realistic story after another. Absolutely brilliant. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Congratulations on your milestone @MicheleinPhilly
I love shelfies and your contest , so here‘s my post. I am redoing all the shelves as I liberated a big stash from storage .This is a 3 shelf in transition, I think it will be journalism and plays eventually, now just a jumble.
December 6: Nothing Christmassy about Raymond Carver, except that this signed book was a very kind gift about ten years ago. Plus, bells! 🔔 #booksandbells #decktheshelves @Tiffy_Reads & @JoeStalksBeck
#riotgrams #spinepoetry
Where I'm calling from,
love ain't nothing but sex misspelled.
This is running for your life,
in search of the miraculous.
#junebookbugs #publishedinthe1980s There is something about a Raymond Carver short story. He writes about the marginalized,the broken-hearted, the addicted .He knows where to put the knife and get it close to the bone.Just stunning stuff . This was his last collection published in 1988 he passed away the same year at age 50.
Photo of my cats from the 80's and 90's ,Baby and Phineas .( after Finn .Trollope)
My favourite chronicler of American life #America
The #peachbooks are few and far between on my shelves but they are good ones - like this title (it is peach not beige, I swear!)
I still remember the summer course I took where Carver's stories made my path clear - I could only be an English major once I read him!
#augustphotochallenge #day15 #peachbooks
Digging around on my book shelves for my next read, I found this Carver collection of short stories. From the back cover - "These stories overflow with the danger, excitement, mystery and possibility of life." Yes, please.