Bookhaul from my favorite independent bookstore. ðŸ˜ðŸ¤™â¤ï¸âœ…
Bookhaul from my favorite independent bookstore. ðŸ˜ðŸ¤™â¤ï¸âœ…
This book makes me happy to be alive (even during tax season) and not buried, seeing as apparently the dead maintain the same petty grievances as they had when alive. Not exactly a page turner, but an amusing picture of rural Irish life and some of the best insults I've ever read: "You're a liar, you microphallic muppet!"
Taking a break from grading undergrad essays to drink some coffee and read a rare first: a novel translated from Irish!
Most of this book is amusing bickering and gossip (a good one to read if you want add color to your insults!), but it also contains beautiful passages on life and death.
Such a great paperback cover for this amazing book. Here's your St Patrick's Day read.