While I question some of his theology, this was a good fable. I enjoyed his characters.
While I question some of his theology, this was a good fable. I enjoyed his characters.
Ever feel like a book is stalking you? 😱Just happened to notice this book on the shelf at dollar tree of all places the other day. This book is actually referenced in the foreword of a different book I‘m currently reading. So of course I had to buy it. 😉#LatestBookishPurchase #JanInBooks18
#CrossRoads by #WilliamPaulYoung ended up being a great #Pick! The start was slow and difficult to get into; I kept finding myself comparing it to #TheShack and was a little uneven on the simialrities at first. I'd say about half way through the book it got really interesting - and had a great ending!
Breakfast: yogurt with mandarins and strawberries, and a side of William Paul Young's #CrossRoads
...Also still reading #TheFirstPhoneCallFromHeaven with only two more chapters to go!
A few more chapters of #CrossRoads by #WilliamPaulYoung, then putting it on pause to read for the #BuddyBookClub
"Transformation without work and pain, without suffering, without a sense of loss is just an illusion of true change." #crossroads #williampaulyoung #christianfiction #bookquote #quote #transformation #change
Cross Roads by William Paul Young. The book I'll be reading whilst reading another book for a Buddy Bookclub I'm in. #crossroads #williampaulyoung #christianfiction #gottagetbackintoreading