How many people in the world have the courage of twelve-year old Simon Baxter?
How many people in the world have the courage of twelve-year old Simon Baxter?
An idea 💡 then an outline followed by a manuscript sculpted through editing becomes a story ready to share. Leaving the dock again once more to navigate the process. My fifth in the series “Line Break” currently out for editing. Busy writing “Chameleon” at the moment. Please feel free to stop by at my Blog for unedited portions of my previously published books from the “Roman Lee Series”
John Myles joined in with a chuckle as the tractor with its empty trailer attached roared down the pavement heading north to the bridge. Next to him, the face returned once more to a look of seriousness, focusing on the task at hand. The Brethren of Liberty, through its International contacts in Moldova, had procured enriched uranium from the ex-Soviet Republic of Georgia. They had also recruited accomplished smugglers to get it into Canada.