And the #shortstories for this month, at least right now. Bought this in J A N U A R Y. Must read things from TBR pile!! (I did read and give away There There already in June, so.)
And the #shortstories for this month, at least right now. Bought this in J A N U A R Y. Must read things from TBR pile!! (I did read and give away There There already in June, so.)
I particularly liked the stories by Alexander Chee, Brandon Taylor, and Allison Mills. Not every story landed for me, but they were all well done, and the ones that did land were very good, indeed.
This was a really enjoyable collection. A plethora of different characters, diverse stories. Well worth a read. Full disclosure: Junot Diaz has a short story in this collection that I completely disregarded because I‘m not reading anything else from that guy...
#keepingitshort This is only the second collection that I‘m reading for this year‘s short story theme! I‘ve been excited to start this since I got it from the publisher. There are 15 stories in this anthology, with a plethora of backgrounds and some well known authors