Please do not be lured in by the promise of the title. The main character is literally so irritating and whiny I wanted to stop reading. There were a few twists but I wouldn't recommend.
Please do not be lured in by the promise of the title. The main character is literally so irritating and whiny I wanted to stop reading. There were a few twists but I wouldn't recommend.
Today's Audible daily deal! 😊
Started off not really liking this book or main character. I'm glad I kept reading it though. I definitely didn't see it ending the way it did.
The main character in this annoys me. Not sure why.
Book lights are really helpful. 😊
And thanks everyone for your thoughts yesterday. Luna will definitely be missed. ❤
Next Kindle read is The Child Next Door. Sounds so good. 😊
Another ebook snagged today. Only .99! This is one of my favorite authors.