This is a biography written for children, but it still gave me some wonderful insight into the life of my favorite writer. I especially appreciated the viewpoint of the authors, her granddaughters.
This is a biography written for children, but it still gave me some wonderful insight into the life of my favorite writer. I especially appreciated the viewpoint of the authors, her granddaughters.
This is the first time in years that I haven‘t been able to attend the Festival of Faith and Writing in Michigan. I‘m not gonna lie, I cried a little.
My husband, who presented and manned the exhibition table for his quarterly book review, took on my dork mantle and got a bunch of books signed (which I‘d pre-purchased when I thought I would be attending.) PLUS, he bought me surprises!!
#book1 #surprisebk2
#ffw18 #awesomehusband #makingthebestofit
Charlotte Jones Voiklis gave a heartfelt presentation about writing her grandmother's biography. She even had clips of Madeleine L'Engle reading excerpts.
At the Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival in Hattiesburg, MS.