It's with a certain sadness I finish the last of Benson's Lucia novels, not for the finishing itself as I can, and will, re-read them, but because the intimations of growth I thought I saw in Lucia's character in the previous two books came to naught.
If Olga Bracely and Miss Mapp represent the better and worse aspects of Lucia's character, then, like Georgie, I'm more attracted to her in the former, and repelled by her in the latter mode. 👇🏼
I do hold out hope for Lucia, though, as she has shown herself amenable to influence from two benignant sources: the gossipy, but ultimately kind-hearted, Georgie Pillson, and the irreverent and unaffected Quaint Irene. I cross my fingers in hope of Lucia's redemption, and of those she represents.
I have the Tom Holt continuations, and hope that perhaps he takes things in that direction. 4y