Love this quote! #QuotsyMarch18 #Neutral
ephemeralwaltz 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 7y
MayJasper IMO Desmond Tutu is a great man. I hope this biography does him justice. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan All the thumbs up for this one! 👍🏻 7y
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Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz @MayJasper @jpmcwisemorgan I agree with you all. 😊👍 7y
MayJasper Thanks @Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz @jpmcwisemorgan for your assurances. Stacking❣ 7y
GripLitGrl Great quote🙌👍 7y
readordierachel Yes! 7y