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Blunt Instrument
Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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"Ranks alongside such incomparable whodunnit authors as Christie, Marsh, Tey, and Allingham." -San Francisco Chronicle Who would kill the perfect gentleman? When Ernest Fletcher is found bludgeoned to death in his study, everyone is shocked and mystified: Ernest was well liked and respected, so who would have a motive for killing him? Superintendent Hannasyde, with consummate skill, uncovers one dirty little secret after another, and with them, a host of people who all have reasons for wanting Fletcher dead. Then, a second murder is committed, giving a grotesque twist to a very unusual case, and Hannasyde realizes he's up against a killer on a mission... "Given the chance I could happily devour a stack of her novels one after the other." -A Work In Progress "A few things that you are guaranteed when you pick up a Georgette Heyer novel of any kind are unique characters and a fast-paced plot." -We Be Reading
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A Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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A fun read. I love her quirkly characters. They're the best part.


mabell She does the best characters! 1mo
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A Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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I am continuing to love Georgette Heyer's mystery novels - the plots are clever and the characters are delicious! I guessed the culprit in this one, but it didn't interfere with my enjoyment at all. And Matt Addis is a fabulous narrator.

Louise Sounds good! I‘m going to look up the audiobook! 2y
CarolynM @Louise Hope you enjoy it🙂 I‘d love to hear what you think. 2y
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A Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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When you have like eight bajillion things to read including about eight books actually on the go, but can't stop impatiently checking your library holds 🙃

cjk Me.All.The.Time. 😂 (edited) 5y
llwheeler @cjk 😂 5y
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Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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I wasn't sure how to rate this one. I enjoy the mystery and many of the characters; it is a Georgette Heyer, after all. However, there are quite a few discriminatory aspects that should not be ignored. Product of the times or not. This one went further than a line in passing (not that that is right either!) Certain portions made me rather uncomfortable.

For the mystery, I give it a pick, for the ick factors, a pan. So I guess it's a so-so?

MayJasper I found the same with this one. I have thrown the book in the recycling. 7y
mabell @MayJasper I never realized how prevalent discrimination was in the mysteries until I listened to the tagged book, which points out if you weren't British gentry, you weren't portrayed well. I love the time period, the settings, and the mysteries, but when the prejudices show through it makes it tough to ignore. Then I wonder am I betraying my principles to even give it a so-so? 7y
MayJasper I know what you mean. I struggled with yhe rating too as you say it is Georgette Heyer after all. In the end I panned because I could not recommend the book to anyone. 7y
mabell @MayJasper That is a good way to look at it. 7y
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