I've been missing Proust in the morning, so decided to return to Woolf. I read the first two volumes of her diary a few years ago, so starting with Volume 3. There was immediate comfort to be back in her prose.
I've been missing Proust in the morning, so decided to return to Woolf. I read the first two volumes of her diary a few years ago, so starting with Volume 3. There was immediate comfort to be back in her prose.
This diary was interesting yet disappointing. This was during the highest point of her career but she talked more about her depressive feelings than in the other diaries. Plus, she struggled more with the act of writing. What I disliked was her seeming dishonesty. She dryly stuck more to her activities, likely trying to withhold information about the dynamics of her strange love affair with Vita. We shall see what Diary Four holds. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
One will not perhaps go to the writing table & write that simple & profound paper upon suicide which I see myself leaving for my friends. (1929)
(Virginia foretold about her suicide 12 years before its occurrence)
Virginia surely was complicated to say the least...
October 1928
“I went to Burgundy with Vita (lover) We did not find each other out.(?) It flashed by. Yet I was glad to see Leonard (husband) again. How disconnected this is! (Yes)
I can think of more books than I shall ever be able to write. How many little stories come into my head.
(I‘m back to Virginia once again)
Often I sit and think of looking at things. The greed of my eye is insatiable. To think of seeing a new place fills me with excitement.
(Antler Hill Village, Biltmore Estate)
She is describing her depressive episode positively 🤷🏽♀️
“These 9 weeks give one a plunge into deep waters; which is a little alarming, but full of interest.”
Say what, Virginia? You have this all wrong. I have nothing stamped on me. My hand is beautiful. I have never had problems with my color. My pain is over the times I have been treated badly just because of my color, by people who do not even know the real me.
Wow! Virginia just really let me down. She just made a racist mark and of course she did it eloquently. I need to really have a long talk with her. She‘s all about the soul and focuses on color. Why, Virginia? You really should have known better.
I wish I could tell Virginia how much I appreciate her writing these diaries. She became committed to her diary writing and the entries keep getting better and better.
Check out this movie poster shared by VirginiaWoolftimeless on IG Excited that I am about to read about this firsthand...well maybe secondhand...I do not know how direct Virginia will be about this in her diary. Not surprisingly, though, her first post after their dinner was about unhappiness in her marriage.
During the years this diary was kept Woolf wrote and published Mrs. Dallaway, A Room of One's Own, The Waves and Orlando. Unlike the first two volumes Woolf writes more about her writing, the process and when the books are published rather than focusing on the Bloomsbury crowd's response.