Started listening to this psychological thriller. I have wanted to try this author for awhile and can access the audiobook free as part of my membership of Audible.
Started listening to this psychological thriller. I have wanted to try this author for awhile and can access the audiobook free as part of my membership of Audible.
Made it 100 pages in and it's just too slow and boring for my liking.
Finally getting around to reading this.
I'm not quite sure about this one 😏 I felt it was a good read but thought it went on abit and got slightly bored waiting for the ending but it was a good end. It wouldn't be a book I'd recommend to others so for me it's a so so read.
#NotBookRelated This lil guy has come to the feeder so many times this morning. Hummingbirds are so cute. I love that they have taken to our feeder so quickly. I think we have 3 that visit it. 🤗 They even come when I am sitting on the porch with #Shadow. He is not smart enough to care about them. However, #Chloe would maybe try to grab one so she isn't allowed out there unattended anymore!
@Zelma @mcipher Would your cats bother birds?