While it‘s a little on the shallow side occasionally in terms of details, this is a really good entry-level exploration of the New Horizons mission and its importance.
While it‘s a little on the shallow side occasionally in terms of details, this is a really good entry-level exploration of the New Horizons mission and its importance.
I originally got this one from the library, but once I started reading it I knew I had to own it. It arrived in the mail today! Now I can continue reading ❤️
FINALLY get to start this one! I love space ❤️❤️
Finally finished the Saturn V LEGO rocket my fiancé got me for my birthday...just in time to start the new book I picked up from the library about the New Horizons mission to Pluto!!! (Hopefully I‘ll be starting this one next!) ?
You‘re still a planet to me Pluto. 😀 This was a great account of the New Horizons mission.
My space obsession continues! Detailing the origins, development and flight of the New Horizons ship to Pluto, this book is exciting and not overly difficult to read. Pub Date: 5/1
This week‘s roundup is for nonfiction fans: science, biography, contemporary culture, & life on the water. 15 books that are on my own reading list. For all the books see my blog. https://www.bethfishreads.com/2018/04/15-true-stories-to-read-this-spring.html?m...
Reading this to review for Bookshop Santa Cruz‘s spring newsletter, and loving the heck out of it. This is a first-hand account of the long and arduous journey to get mankind‘s first space probe to Pluto—little planet with the big heart—from the scientists involved. This book is proving super easy to read and understand, and provides a captivating look at what it took to get New Horizons off the ground.