Starting book #2 of The Beast House Chronicles. I enjoyed the first one. Be warned however, that Laymon is very graphic. To coincide with the mythical Beast, I have decided to pack myself a bowl of Loch Ness this morning. Happy reading friends!
Starting book #2 of The Beast House Chronicles. I enjoyed the first one. Be warned however, that Laymon is very graphic. To coincide with the mythical Beast, I have decided to pack myself a bowl of Loch Ness this morning. Happy reading friends!
I just started reading Laymon this past year. I have only read 3 books, but this is by far my favorite of what I have read. The story was compelling. The characters were interesting. There were plenty of bad guys to hate, and several good guys to root for. I liked the mythology behind the Beast House. The story was plenty creepy and also exciting. The beast was unique and the book was not like others I have read. Definitely recommend this one.
My reading stats for the month of January 2019. I read 10 books, 8 of which are for the unread shelf project. I feel pretty good about my progress this month.
My favorite book was The Beast House. I‘ll post a review separately.