The wild dungeon romp continues, and I could not keep reading such lovely food descriptions without finding something extra tasty to treat myself! Crepes for the win! Definitely still enjoying this series, but be prepared, they'll make you munchy! 😁
The wild dungeon romp continues, and I could not keep reading such lovely food descriptions without finding something extra tasty to treat myself! Crepes for the win! Definitely still enjoying this series, but be prepared, they'll make you munchy! 😁
The company continues farther on into the depths of the dungeon, this time dealing with golems and krakens among other monsters!
Book three of my personal #OWLsReadthon2018 complete!
This series is so much fun! I love the monsters and the characters vastly different personalities, and the dungeon is fantastic.
This was for my Care of Magical Creatures prompt.