Oh yesss! My best year! Many books and many pages! And the next? More books obviously!
#litsy #litsybook #book #books #readingchallenge2018 #goodreads #toread #mybestyear #bookly #booklover #2018 #morebooks
Oh yesss! My best year! Many books and many pages! And the next? More books obviously!
#litsy #litsybook #book #books #readingchallenge2018 #goodreads #toread #mybestyear #bookly #booklover #2018 #morebooks
To be fair, I don't suppose I'm the intended audience for this book. I like football, I take great pleasure in a good match, but I'm not what you'd call a fan.
Even though I enjoyed some stories in this collection, I skipped so many pages that I should probably consider it a DNF. #popsugar2018 #meh
1. No real preference between print and ebook, but I go through phases.
2. More or less anywhere that isn't a car. Bed is good, though.
3. Diet coke and nachos with melted cheese.
4. Multiple.
5. Night.