#gatewaysgonewrong #sizzlinsummerbooks to say this gateway went wrong is a bit of a stretch since I think Kricket does pretty well there but she sure has a time of it.. good story though. Great title.
#gatewaysgonewrong #sizzlinsummerbooks to say this gateway went wrong is a bit of a stretch since I think Kricket does pretty well there but she sure has a time of it.. good story though. Great title.
Didn't really have any books that fit today's theme, so instead I used a series that's on my tbr list. #starsandstripes #jubilantjuly
I can't tell you how much I loved this book. LOVED IT! I thought she was edgy and I thought the story was unique and fun. I couldn't wait for the second book. Which then destroyed everything. How do you rate book 1, when you know book 2 sucks?? I ended up rooting for the villain, and never even considered picking up the third. But the first one was good haha #reviews #trilogy #goodreads
"She should know a knob - knocker when she sees one, it's a life skill." So mad at myself for not starting thus trilogy sooner! The writing is great and the narrator oozes Kricket's sarcasm easily.
'You cannot thrive under the wrong stars, Kricket… the stars here are in opposition to you… can‘t you feel it?… Let us take you home.'