Real easy read cute story
Enjoying the beautiful day in my outdoor reading chair, listening to the birds, reading while hubby works on the car. #summercanstayawaycauseilikethisweather
1. My work cup. 2. The Resident 3. Tagged book. And yes! 4. Sunny (finally after a week of rain totaling 9 inches of rain all together) and 70‘s being the high today 5. Ears pierce. One tattoo. For now. lol. Having another tattoo of a owl on a compass and globe in its tummy drawn up for me #humpdaypost
I always cook lunch for my bestie and I as I don‘t care to eat out much. Friday is our day to escape. Today? While reading we ate kale, broccoli steam and chard salad with strawberry vinaigrette, sweet corn, grilled chicken with lemon and rice with broccoli. Fueling our bodies while we fuel our minds reading.
1. The usual. Cleaning and stuff. Hope to have some reading time! 2. 5‘4. 3. 10 years. 4. Mile in my Flip Flops. Some devotional books and Zombie survival guide. 5. Hate my pic being taken. Lol. But ok! Here‘s me #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1. Born and raised in California and been in Texas since 1990. 2. YA. 3. The title I tagged “a mile in my flip flops”. 4. Pasta, seafood 5. 4 dogs -two doxies Crash and Coco (yes Bandicoot) and a mini poodle named Murphy and a maltipoo named Mia. 6. Why wasn‘t I allowed to give up work for lent like my boss‘ 8 year old daughter suggested? I thought it was a brilliant idea! @CareBear
Started this today. Already on page 100 and really enjoying the easy read