My favorite coming of age novel, which I read every summer, about a Texas tween with an alcoholic father and a mother committed to a psychiatric hospital. It sounds grim, but it‘s actually a really sweet, uplifting story.🔸#augustreads2021
My favorite coming of age novel, which I read every summer, about a Texas tween with an alcoholic father and a mother committed to a psychiatric hospital. It sounds grim, but it‘s actually a really sweet, uplifting story.🔸#augustreads2021
In honor of National Book Lover‘s Day, here is a bookish quote from one of my most favorite books of all time. It‘s the sweetest coming of age novel I have ever read, and every summer I laugh and cry my way through it like catching up with an old friend. To add to MC Sarah Nelson‘s astute observation here, I believe the best books, like this one, get better and better each time you read them. ☺️❤️📚
My summer is never complete until I‘ve read Sure Signs of Crazy by Karen Harrington, my most favorite coming of age story about a brave Texan girl who beats the summer heat and learns how to cope with crazy in her family. It‘s been an annual tradition for me ever since the book debuted.
Every summer I reread Sure Signs of Crazy, an all-time fave of mine, and I savor all the wonderful gems of wisdom about life in it. Like this one. ❤️📚
Each day for 7 days, post the cover of one of your favorite books. No words. No explanations.
#7favesin7days / Day 3
Sarah's mom drowned Sarah and her twin, Simon when they were toddlers. Sarah survived, Simon didn't. This is Sarah's journey
This is my absolute favorite quote from Sure Signs of Crazy. So true!
Here's another of my favorite quotes from Sure Signs of Crazy. Awww! 😊 I believe this is true.
Sure Signs of Crazy has so many great quotes! This week I'm sharing a few of my favorites by 12-year-old MC and first-person narrator Sarah Nelson, who is a keen observer. This quote is such a warm fuzzy! 😊❤️
If soul mates could be books, this would definitely be one of my best soul sisters! I love this coming-of-age book so much that I read it every summer (this is my fifth time), and every single time I laugh, I cry, I get warm fuzzies, and I love it even more. The heroine, Sarah Nelson, is as real to me as Atticus Finch is to her. What's not to love about someone who writes confessional letters to a fictional character?
This sweet, mid-grade book is told from the perspective of the girl who survived when her mother tried to drown her as a baby. As Sarah is growing, she is scared she'll inherit her mother's "crazy" and writes letters to Atticus Finch, the father her own drunken dad will never be. I loved this story!
I just watched BOOKSANDBULLSHIT's April book haul, and I've been inspired to check out Sure Signs of Crazy, about a girl who writes Atticus Finch to try and understand her mentally ill mother.