I'm giving it a so-so only because of its repetitiveness. The principles laid out in it are practical and can be implemented, though it may take effort to win the family. It is worth reading, but beware of the repetitive nature chapter to chapter.
I'm giving it a so-so only because of its repetitiveness. The principles laid out in it are practical and can be implemented, though it may take effort to win the family. It is worth reading, but beware of the repetitive nature chapter to chapter.
3 words have been ringing in my head: Simplify. Focus. Intentionality. I started this today and was confronted by all 3 of those words in the opening pages. Coincidence? I've actually started a purge in my home. Y'all would be shocked at how many books I've donated to Goodwill.😁 Here's to getting minimal.
Ooh, my first review!
I‘ve been dipping into the concept of Minimalism for the last year or so. I love the idea of it, and I agree with a lot of the motivations behind the lifestyle, but I find this book repeats a lot of what I already know. It‘s written well and it deserves to do well in this genre, but for me personally, it doesn‘t teach me anything new.