Sometimes books are too sad, or scary for me to read. Others have a meanness to them I am not in a space to muscle through. Maybe I‘ll try this one again later.
Sometimes books are too sad, or scary for me to read. Others have a meanness to them I am not in a space to muscle through. Maybe I‘ll try this one again later.
Delightful story abt stories! Nice world building and great characters. Creepy bad guy too
I don't feel like adulting anymore, so I turned to books to escape, of course. Non-creepily raided the juvenile section of the library today.
Hoping to start this one today. I haven't have much time for my digital reads lately, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my holds and have to start over. But my reading time has been limited and will continue to be because life gets busy this time of year with baseball and spring break and subbing. Busy busy. ❤️⚾️
“There's no such thing as complete when it comes to stories. Stories are infinite. They are as infinite as worlds.”
― Kelly Barnhill, Iron Hearted Violet #complete #quotsymarch18
I adored this book! I wish I could write this well. It was darker than I expected, but that‘s fine by me. So good. Now on to The Girl Who Drank the Moon—we‘ll see if it really is better than this one!
I heart it so much that I read over 100 pages today. I never do that.
Going through a nasty depressed spell, so I‘m off to relax at my parents‘ house with middle-grade fantasy ... accidentally by the same author!
Independent Bookstore Day stop #2: Secret Garden Books (hi @BeckyMerilatt )! To get the Rainbow Rowell short, you had to buy a YA book. DARN. (Kelly Barnhill is amazing, and if you haven't read Girl Who Drank the Moon, RUN DON'T WALK.) So excited to read this one! On to store 3! @RavenRenegade
#SEABookstoreDay #crashqueensdoSEABookstoreDay17
I adored this book; Barnhill manages to turn many fairy tale tropes on their head without ever falling into the cliches of some modern retellings. It's fresh, thought-provoking, surprising, and full of such real characters I ended up laughing and crying with them. While I was happy to read this just for me, it'd also be great as a readalong with any older (8-9+) children in your life. The audio version has a skillful narrator too.